Here's Where It All Began
Pretty Boy was invented by Brian Cooney, a professional painting contractor for over twenty years. Brian knew something better than traditional house-hold cleaners and dish soaps had to be invented to remove these new durable latex-based paints, stains, and primers from paint brushes, sprayers, and paint tools. Not being able to find a commercial alternative that met his standards, Brian hired a veteran paint chemist and got to work. After, 8 months and 18 formulas later, Pretty Boy Paint Cleaner & Conditioner was born!
Brian has spent the last five years marketing Pretty Boy to professional painters. He credits his Instagram channel @prettyboyproducts for introducing him to thousands of painters across the globe. He also started a Youtube Channel, Pretty Boy Pros, to high-light what it is really like as a professional painting contractor (please subscribe to both). Currently, Brian is on the road traveling the US & Canada working with painters to learn more how Pretty Boy can increase job quality and save time and money.
Use Pretty Boy straight out of the bottle or packet for cleaning & conditioning brushes and rollers or squirt one ounce into a bucket and dilute with a gallon of water for all other uses. Pretty Boy’s eco-friendly formula is gentle on skin and serves dozens of uses on the job site, which saves painters cleaning time, tool replacement, and increases overall job quality! Besides keeping your brushes like new, Pretty Boy is an excellent wallpaper remover, general purpose cleaner, safely removes dried paint from most surfaces, keeps hands cleaned while caulking, and yes, it also cleans windows!
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